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Lemon Dill Tuna Salad




Fill a lettuce cup with a scoop of this tuna salad loaded with fresh ingredients. For an extra kick add a tablespoon of dill pickle relish.

Lemon Dill Tuna Salad on a lettuce leaf
Lemon Dill Tuna Salad

I love tuna, its such a delicious taste and easily found in my store cupboard for a quick snack. Fish is fabulous for a keto diet and this tuna “sandwich” recipe is fantastic.

Tuna Facts

Tuna is a large species of fish that is found in many seas and oceans around the world. They are a migratory species, able to swim great distances easily. They can grow to be quite large, up to 8 feet long and 800 pounds heavy. Tuna are schooling fish, meaning they live in large family groups that can extend up to several hundred individuals. They are fast-growing fish and live relatively short lives, usually between 5 and 7 years. Tuna have a varied diet that consists of small schooling fish like sardines, herring, mackerel, squid and crustaceans. Tuna are highly prized for their high omega-3 fatty-acid content and are commercially fished for human consumption, used mainly in canned and frozen form. They are also popular as a sport fish due to their size and strength.

Despite their abundance, Tuna are still vulnerable to overfishing and climate change, which can cause populations to decline rapidly if not managed responsibly. Thankfully, many governments around the world have implemented regulations and policies that help protect tuna populations from unsustainable fishing practices. Hopefully, with the continued efforts of governments and conservationists around the world, tuna populations will remain healthy for years to come. I always buy tuna which has been caught responsibly, you can look for the logo on the tins in the store.

Preparing Lemon Dill Tuna Salad with chopped celery, onion and chives.
Preparing Lemon Dill Tuna Salad with chopped celery, onion and chives.

Protein and carbohydrates are two of the most important macronutrients when following a keto diet.

Protein helps build muscle, promote healthy skin, bones, and organs, and provide energy. On a keto diet, protein should make up about 20-30% of your daily caloric intake. High-quality proteins such as eggs, fish, poultry, and red meat are all great sources of protein on a keto diet.

Carbohydrates should make up about 5-10% of your daily caloric intake on a keto diet. Foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains are all sources of carbohydrates. These foods are all high in fibre and essential vitamins and minerals, which makes them great sources of nutrition. However, on a keto diet they should be limited to maintain ketosis. The best sources of carbohydrates on a keto diet are non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, spinach, cucumbers and peppers. These low-carb veggies are full of nutrients and can help you stay satisfied and full longer.

When following a keto diet, it is important to remember that the ratio of protein, carbohydrates and fat should remain consistent. Eating too much or too little of any one macronutrient can throw off your ketosis and make it difficult for you to reach your goals. Be sure to keep track of your daily intake of protein, carbohydrates and fat to ensure you are getting the proper balance. With careful planning and dedication, a keto diet can be an effective way to achieve your health goals.

Ingredients for Lemon Dill Tuna Salad

Lemon Dill Tuna Salad

Fill a lettuce cup with a scoop of this tuna salad loaded with fresh ingredients. For an extra kick add a tablespoon of dill pickle relish.


Prep Time10 Mins

Total Time10 Mins


  • 1 (6 ounce) can water-packed tuna chunks
  • 1 tbsp chopped celery
  • 1 tbsp chopped white onion
  • 1 tbsp chopped fresh dill or chives
  • 1 tbsp mayonnaise
  • 1 tbsp lemon pepper seasoning


  1. In a small bowl, combine the tuna, celery, onion, dill, mayonnaise and lemon pepper seasoning.
  2. Use a fork to mix well.
  3. Serve a scoop on a lettuce cup.

Nutrition Facts Per Serving

Calories 230
Fats 8g
Protein 36g
Carbs 3g
Net Carbs 2g
What we think

“This was a very simple recipe. It took no time at all to prepare the ingredients and make the salad. Just a couple of minutes to chop everything and then combine. I’m a big fan of tuna, and this is a great recipe for tuna fans alike. This one without the carbs! It’s fresh, nicely balanced, the zest of the lemon combine brilliantly with the onion and celery. For me this will be one a weekly addition to my Keto diet, maybe even having it twice a week, it’s that good. I rated this 5 out of 5 stars.”


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- Lucy & Will

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