the keto food blog

no food no life
behind the scenes of a keto recipe review video


Welcome to our blog site, The Keto Food Blog. We started this blog in September 2022, so effectively it’s brand new. If you are reading this in 2022 or early 2023 then welcome along to our little project…you are one of the first to discover us and we hope you enjoy our content. Make sure you subscribe so you can follow our journey from the very beginning…

So what’s this journey all about?

Well, we are ordinary people like you. We have an ordinary house, two kids and a dog and we are navigating through life in much the same way as normal folk.

One day we decided we would investigate what this Keto diet thing is all about, and we started cooking and reviewing Keto recipes. And that is it.

So what can you expect from this site?

Well, staying true to character you can expect a down to earth and fun approach to all our content. Will has a wicked sense of humour..

..and is by no means a professional photographer. So that should be fun! Feel free to point out his dodgy photos and wobbly video shots. Although before I throw a few stones in my glass house I must point out I’m not a professional cook. I‘m a stay at home mum and I cook for all the family. I can hold my own and I know a few things but when your hubby is pointing a camera in your face and giving out instruction on best way to serve a Keto Omlete, things can get quite interesting.



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